哥本哈根综合症是伦理 类伦理片大片MortenArnfred 剪辑的正片高清完整版影视作品,由KarlWagnerMarianneGrothSve 主演饰演的,著名导MortenArnfred 执导的丹麦 影片。哥本哈根综合症讲述的内容是主角演员KarlWagnerMarianneGrothSve During a bank holdup, a teenaged boy and girl (Karl Wagner and Marianne Svendsen) are taken hostage by the robbers. After a very pleasant captivity, during which they play Monopoly with their captors, they escape into the countryside. The two consummate their first love and have a number of delightful adventures but eventually must return to their everyday lives.
。哥本哈根综合症预告于1976 上映。本站收藏的该片播放语言是丹麦语 。伦理片影片清晰度是HD+BD加长版。视频本站于2024-08-02 07:08:06收藏